I dont know how many have seen a documentary I just did, called Zeitgist. A longish over two hour documentary about world history, secret societies, conspiracy theories & how men in power have seeked to control humanity. You can look it up in the videos section if you want.
It develops a few key ideas and then goes on to provide evidence for each of them, some believable and some not so believable. Had me completely hooked up for 2 hours without a break. The ideas are as follows -
- Religion was invented as a tool by men in power to control and manipulate others.
- Jesus never existed and was created by the church (the men in power) from old pagan religious beliefs (The documentary proclaims that the character of Jesus in the new testament was based on the egyptian sun god - horus) to control and manipulate people.
- These people in power today control the central banking systems of the world.
- The great depression of 1929 was an inside job by JP Morgan to strengthen the federal reserve system.
- War & nationalistic patriotism are the new tools to manipulate people in today's secular societies. Essentially wars involve spending, spending means borrowing, borrowing leads to printing more money & printing more money is what the central banks are all about.
- Incidents which led to American entry into WWI were pre-planned.
- The US had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack at pearl harbour.
- US Standard Oil (a Rockefeller company) supplied Hitler's Nazis with a patented fuel for their airplanes which were bombing London. At that same time, the US was supplying the British with essential supplies by sea.
- The incidents which forced the US to enter the Vietnam conflict never really happened.
- The Vietnam war was never meant to be won. It was meant to be sustained.
- JFK opposed this system (which is why he had to be killed) and when he realised what was going on he tried to warn the American public in a famous speech of his.
- 911 was an inside job to enforce the war on terror and diminish civil liberties in the US.
- The war on terror is the ultimate war as it has no real enemy and hence can be sustained indefinitely.
- This war serves two purposes - One, it provides an indefinite war and thus a never ending stream of revenue for the international banking cartel. Two, it helps them diminish civil liberties and provide measures to control people in the future - with their consent.
- The media (they kept showing Rupert Murdoch's face in the documentary) is on the inside on this one and is being used to effectively channel public information and opinion.
- Another aspect which favours future control is a dumbing down of America's people so that they are rendered incapable of rational thinking. This is being achieved through declining quality of education and increasing sources of entertainment and amusement to keep people occupied and "NOT THINK".
- George Bush has gone ahead and signed a North American Union (NAU) - which seeks to unite the economies of Canada, the US and Mexico - a lot like the EU. Its new currency shall be the Amero. This is all on track to pursue a single world government where the elite will be incharge of the whole globe and public civil liberties will be heavily curtailed.
Makers of this video are imploring the American public to see through this mess and take the right steps now. Hows that? So you are now thinking what does Jimi Hendrix has to do with all this right? Read on.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace..."
- Jimi Hendrix
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